Q&A Forum
I have a CANbus device which can provide environment values.
If I declare the CAN variables names with the exact internal variables names, will this make the link between CANbus message values and internal values???
Hello, anybody here ??? ????
Will it work ??? Or should I create a plugin to pass values from can values to internal values ???
Here is what to do:
Set this variable to true: Settings.Properties.Settings.Default.envDataPluginAttached
Then write the data to these variables:
Settings.Properties.Settings.Default.ambientPressure (in mBar)
Settings.Properties.Settings.Default.ambientTemperature (in degrees C)
Settings.Properties.Settings.Default.relativeHumidity (in %)
They are all of type double.
Then you can select "Use Plugin sensor data" in the Environmental power correction option.
Call the channels something else than the internal sensor names.