Q&A Forum
How am I supposed to mount the pickup wheel to the roller? I've read another thread in here saying you can't use the stock one as it will produce a frequency that is too high. Thank you in advance for any insight you may be able to provide.
You fit it to the end of the rollers or to the brake. Quite often there is a threaded hole in the axle where you can mount it. Sometimes it is better to machine a mount that clamps over the axle. You can send a few pictures if you want more input.
Shaft is 35mm and the one hole is not threaded and the wheel would hit that blue bar
Is there room between the brake and the rollers?
Otherwise, on the roller axle that the brake is connected to is the best. You should be able to split the axle.
Got a 20 tooth wheel mounted on the shaft and the sensor mounted. What do I need to have in the settings for MOI or anything else? I set the roller diameter to 8 inches and am trying to use it as an inertia only until I figure out how to set up the eddy brake.
You can do some rough calculations of the MOI, but it will not be accurate. Mass Moment of Inertia Cylinder. You will need to add the MOI of the car, which is difficult to guess.
When you have the brake working, you can measure the MOI.
One practical way is to test a car with a known power and adjust so it reads right.
Ok I'll see if I can figure out the Eddy brake and get it working. I had the roller size set to 8" but it is actually 8.5". I have the moi at 2.8kg right now and it reads really low. It says my truck makes 46hp and it should be 335hp. I'm sure I have something way off in the software. I appreciate all your help.
Verify that the Pulses per revolution is correct in the RPM setup. Then adjust the MOI so the reading is as expected. 2.8kg m^2 is too low inertia for sure. Just the brake often has around 2, then the rollers and the car comes in addition.
Do I need to change anything on the wiring for this brake?
It's a kloft 8830
Measure the resistance of the brake and let us know.
3.1 ohms
3.2 Ohm that is 96V. So you can either run at 96V or rewire it to 192V in case not all coils are connected in series. 96V works fine too.