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Display RPM and graph RPM not matching

2 Posts
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Posts: 11
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When I have the dyno run window open and I have an analog RPM gauge I watch it to know when to shut the engine down. I watch it hit 9000 and shut the engine down. Then I stop logging then when I dismiss and save it and go back to the graph. The graph only shows I ever made 8,500.  Any way to get rid of this discrepancy?

Posted : 26/09/2023 11:28 pm
Posts: 0


This is because the noise filtering dulls all sharp changes out. You can try to reduce the noise filtering, or use the very latest software (3.3.56) where the Engine RPM filtering is overridden to a very low setting, lower than the standard noise filtering. RPM don't need much noise filtering, so even though the other channels need filtering, we can keep RPM filtering to the minimum.


Posted : 27/09/2023 12:26 pm
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