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Convert C to F

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I am using the CAN plugin and the ECU Master EGT to CAN.  I'm in the USA and would prefer to operate in Fahrenheit not Celsius.  

In the plugin it has a multiplier and divider to scale the CAN values, but to do the F = 1.8 * C + 32 conversion, I need to add 32.  Is there a way to do this in the gauge or somewhere else in the yourdyno program?  I've looked here in the forums but can't find anything. 





Posted : 29/12/2022 12:39 am
Posts: 0


You can do that in the CAN tool plugin. Here is the formula for all CAN channels:

Value = (Raw data + Offset) * Multiplier / Divider

So you can create the conversion from C to F by modifying the Offset, Multiplier and Divider. 1.8 is for example Multiplier 18 and Divisor 10. You may need to modify the Offset too. Work it out with pen and paper first then you put it into the software.

You can also do it with a Math channel, but if you prefer.

Posted : 29/12/2022 1:47 am
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