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Conversion of a sun RAM 3000

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Posts: 1
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Hi There, we have a sun ram 3000, and the software is pretty bad, we can't connect our wideband sensor to it, or load multiple runs. Our rolling road is controlled by CANBUS currently. My thought it to remove the current system and replace is with a yourdyno unit. Has this ever been done before? 


Is it as simpy as connecting the load cell, RPM sensor and working out how the eddie current brake is controlled?


In this software can we control output for the cooling and exhaust fans?





Posted : 26/07/2018 12:36 pm
Posts: 1451
Member Admin

Hi, it is kind of the same for all the eddy current systems;

  1. You need a way to control the brake power supply, and it needs to be either an analog signal or a PWM signal. If you can't figure out how it is controlled (this happens!), then you need a new power supply. Most customers who needs a power supply go for SportDevices, it is plug and play with YourDyno.
  2. You need a hall effect sensor like the one you can buy from YourDyno or anything that provides a square wave signal
  3. You can either reuse the existing load cell or buy a new one from YourDyno. At least if the load cell is old I recommend buying a new one, they are not very expensive. 

For control of fans etc I recommend separate on/off switches, at least for now. YourDyno includes 3 digital I/Os but the software is not supporting them yet.


Posted : 28/07/2018 1:13 am
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