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I know the software isn't demanding.  But I need to buy a computer to run this, plus data collection from innovate lm1 plus lma3, A knock progran , vcm , sct and a megasquirt ecu, for other data logging .( not needed all at once but would be nice to if necessary) .

Not being computer savy I don't know what it will take, I was told get heaps of ram if it's math work but that's all i know.

Any opinions appreciated

Posted : 22/05/2018 11:25 pm
Posts: 350

Why not run two separate computers for dyno and data logging , Your going to need a multiple monitor setup with three or more monitor ...

The other VCM and SCT when tuning that's another computer again. 

With the Megasquirt MS3 Pro Ultimate at $1,499.00, do you also need a CAN-EGT 8 Channel Thermocouple Interface which is another $315.00 plus the egt probes plus wiring harnesses ???

What program are you referring to for " KNOCK DETECTION " ???, I just use two knock sensors and mount them on a engine and watch my oscilloscope.





Posted : 23/05/2018 9:21 am
Posts: 36
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I'm dealing with tuner nerd knock, he's developing software with the aim to be like plex knock without the timing. It is a bit buggy atm but he works on problems and i think it'll be great soon

yeah that's the stuff you need, just to let you i'm no expert on them . I've done cars with ms1, ms2 and have not needed the extras the pro has but i think the cheaper old ms3 with daughter board will do . Please just send them a message at diy autotune and get info you can trust , they are good guys.

diy - megasquirt assembled-ms3 with expansion, i think this is an option but ask 692 bucks

yeah i can do extra computers but it just adds to the many plugs wires etc, still might be best option,

I have not  got my hardware so i don't know if the vcm etc will run while the dyno is running on one computer as i said before i just stumble through computer stuff

Oh and the knock on oscilloscope , i can do that but the developing software for tuner nerd will log it with map rpm and strength of knock so you can relate exactly which tuning box to pull timing from. It's in development atm it graphs and sends to earphones

Posted : 23/05/2018 9:25 pm
Posts: 350

Yeah plex and other high end knock detection systems are $1500 plus dollars and more.

Tuner nerd knock is a nice idea but couldn't find the information where it logs knock against ( reference ) RPM and MAP other than against time on the x axis. 

VCM and SCT latter version have knock logging anyway.

For $50 dollars its very cheap how good is it don't know.

Posted : 24/05/2018 11:56 am
Posts: 350

Ok found TNK's facebook page has something mentioned about a prototype knock&RPM module dating back Nov 2017.

Posted : 24/05/2018 12:34 pm
Posts: 36
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Tuner Nerd knock is not stable yet for the graphing , he is developing that. He has a teaser on his facebook page but said it's not ready for sale . We discussed today about possibly making the knock sensor wifi , so no wires need be run , possibly with rechargable battery, but thats all just theory at the moment. What you get is demonstrated on youtube.  I'm investing now in hope he does well, if wrong i wasted 50 bucks. The version with graphing will need hardware and will cost more depending on how he implements the whole thing.

Posted : 24/05/2018 1:38 pm
Posts: 36
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Ok i sorted the monitor thing . It's really easy once you gain the knowledge . Usb hub is the easiest way i found. Buy a usb to hdmi adapter with as many outputs as you want . Usb 3 is best port to use but will work on std usb . You can then use adapters from hdmi outputs to vga , hdmi 0r sdi  ( I'm not sure on right terms for plugs ) .

Once hardware is connected the original software can be accessed and all the monitors plugged in will show up and be able to be changed around .

I thought this was going to be hard, technology hey!!



Posted : 26/05/2018 10:52 pm
Posts: 350

That's right and thats what i will be doing.  

Posted : 26/05/2018 11:25 pm
Posts: 36
Topic starter


Posted : 26/05/2018 11:41 pm
Posts: 4
Posted by: Mach_1

Yeah plex and other high end knock detection systems are $1500 plus dollars and more.

Tuner nerd knock is a nice idea but couldn't find the information where it logs knock against ( reference ) RPM and MAP other than against time on the x axis. 

VCM and SCT latter version have knock logging anyway.

For $50 dollars its very cheap how good is it don't know.

Here ya go tunernerd.com

Logs rpm vs boost vs afr and soon 3rd optional 5V signal (tps? EGT?)

outputs 5V knock intensity

and saves a log that can be used for virtual dyno in just one click. But we are about real dynos in here 🙂


Posted : 13/12/2018 5:46 am
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