Q&A Forum
I yout ask if ther any intersting in MAHA Industrial rolling road dynos.
That not the stuff like in tuning shops this iare OEM emission test units!!!!
There are two singel ant two dual axle units.
Real heavy stuff old but over maintanenced
They will for sale end of this year
I yout ask if ther any intersting in MAHA Industrial rolling road dynos.
That not the stuff like in tuning shops this iare OEM emission test units!!!!
There are two singel ant two dual axle units.
Real heavy stuff old but over maintanenced
They will for sale end of this year
Where is it located oh on whats the price?
There located in north Germany.
Made offer when inspect them
There located in north Germany.
Made offer when inspect them
Please send me offer when you are ready. Send it to villem60@hotmail.com
I yout ask if ther any intersting in MAHA Industrial rolling road dynos.
That not the stuff like in tuning shops this iare OEM emission test units!!!!
There are two singel ant two dual axle units.
Real heavy stuff old but over maintanenced
They will for sale end of this year
My Question is, what dyno is it a 2w 4w, what model?